The range of this brand’s shoes is very diverse and the Yeezy Foam Runners are one of the most unique Adidas sneakers for men. Fashionable with a whimsical and futuristic design, the shoe’s material features a unique blend of EVA foam and harvested algae. These almond-toe casual sneakers also feature their distinctive oval holes throughout for comfort and ventilation. The Stone Sag colorway is one of the most popular colorways of the Yeezy Foam Runners line that is always sought after by top sneakerheads.
A stunning pick from a partnership between Adidas and Damian Lillard (Dame), the Basketball Dame 8 shoe honors the revered player with an incredibly unique design. The feeling when walking on the user’s foot is as if it is maximum support to play the ball. Cushioned and rubber outsole, this shoe features a Bounce Pro midsole designed to maintain speed and precision. Part of the shoe is made of recycled materials created from both manufacturing and consumer waste. This shoe has a lot of unique color schemes that give users the ability to choose the color according to their own personality.

6. Adidas Originals Forum Low
Made of its easily traceable Parley Ocean plastic, the Forum Low shoe is what you need if vintage basketball sounds like your thing. A pair of white sneakers with red or blue detailing in the serrated midsole, inner lining and hook and loop straps, this pair is sure to take your style to the next level. It features a rubber outsole with the Adidas Originals logo embossed. In addition to the classic color schemes, this shoe model from adidas also launched more impressive color schemes, adding a special touch to a shoe model that has been around for 30 years.

7. Adidas Originals Stan Smith Parley Shoes
The Stan Smith Shoe is another hit classic from the brand, and we’re absolutely amazed at how the iconic silhouette has been recreated with recycled materials in this design. They were released in partnership with Parley for the Oceans as a step towards a better future as they are created from absorbable plastic waste. It’s a classic design in white with green accents that features a cushioned midsole, fabric lining, and polyurethane-coated recycled synthetic upper.

8. Adidas Originals NMD_R1
This running-inspired Adidas men’s sneaker is a modern take on shoes inspired by the original NMDs, detailed with painted plugs for a unique look. fresh look. These NMD_R1 shoes have a stretchy knit upper that hugs your foot for perfect comfort on the go. This pair also features Boost cushioning and a sturdy rubber outsole to ensure that even your longest commute is comfortable and slick city sidewalks aren’t an issue. In addition, the upper of the shoe is also partially made of Parley Ocean plastic along with recycled polyester.

Read more: Top most impressive shoes in Fashion Week SS23 in New York
The story of Adidas Pharrell’s collaboration across shoe releases